Manitoba Wildlands  
Hydro Licence Appeals to be heard by Cabinet 29 November 06

MB government and MB Hydro logosThe Manitoba Government is taking new steps in its handling of appeals of the Wuskwatim Generating Station environmental licence. The licence appeals under Manitoba's Environment Act will be heard by Cabinet.

Two appeals of the Generating Station licence were filed August 2, 2006, from Manitoba Wildlands, represented by director Gaile Whelan Enns, and from Trapline 18, represented by Greg McIvor. The appeals are based on issues consistently raised during The Environment Act review of the Wuskwatim projects and during the 2004 Clean Environment Commission (CEC) public hearings for the projects.

"The news Cabinet would be hearing these appeals was a surprise and we feel it is important the public know that these appeals are unfolding," said Manitoba Wildlands Director Gaile Whelan Enns. "We have, however, had concerns about procedural and administrative fairness throughout this process. We also think Manitoba Hydro should disclose information requested since 2003."

Greg McIvor, who speaks for Trapline 18, explained the basis of their appeal: "We spent time and money for four years to have the damage from existing hydro development and potential damage from the Wuskwatim project to our trapline acknowledged. Our Appeal submission asks for accountability of the Governments for hydro development, fairness, honesty and respect for Trap Line 18. It also asks Cabinet to order disclosure of relevant up-to-date facts, not disclosed at the CEC hearings, which are in the possession and control of Manitoba Hydro. Then the Government must order a 'public CEC hearing' to correct the wrongs of the first process."

David Newman is legal counsel for Trapline 18 and a former minister in Manitoba's cabinet responsible for Manitoba Hydro.

View the Manitoba Wildlands November 27, 2006 appeal submission re the Wuskwatim Generating Station licence (PDF)
View the Trapline 18 November 24, 2006 appeal submission for the Wuskwatim Generating Station (PDF)
View the Manitoba Wildlands August 2, 2006 appeal letter re the Wuskwatim Generation Station licence (PDF)
View the Trapline 18 August 2, 2006 appeal letter re the Wuskwatim Generating Station Licence (DOC)

Sources: Manitoba Wildlands, Trapline 18

Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014