Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba Still Without Energy Plan 12 February 09

Manitoba bisonDespite calls from the private sector and civil society groups such as Manitoba Wildlands, the Province of Manitoba has yet to develop a formal energy plan.

In March 2006, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce passed a resolution, 'An Energy Plan for Manitoba', at its 75th Annual General Meeting. The resolution called for a public dialogue to arrive at an energy plan for Manitoba.

Manitoba Wildlands has recommended the Manitoba government conduct a public process to provide Manitobans with a plan for; domestic energy needs, conservation targets, public debt tolerance, new projects, and a renewable portfolio standard for energy targets.

"Manitobans support their public utility. They also wish to participate in deciding longer term energy policy in our province," said Gaile Whelan Enns, director, Manitoba Wildlands.

View Manitoba Wildlands' April 3, 2006 news item
View Manitoba Wildlands information on an Energy Plan for Manitoba
View Manitoba Chambers of Commerce 2006 Resolution and Report, An Energy Plan for Manitoba (PDF)

Sources: Manitoba Wildlands, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
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