Manitoba Wildlands  
Where Is The Bipole III Environment Statement? 20 November 11

transmission lines Bipole III is a transmission system and corridor Manitoba Hydro will run from a new converter station near the proposed Conawapa Generation Station (dam) site east of Gillam in northern Manitoba to a new converter station east of Winnipeg in southern Manitoba.

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Bi Pole III, required under Manitoba's environment act, and originally expected in summer 2011, was delayed and is now expected to be submitted for public review before the end of 2011.

It is unclear when the EIS will be submitted to Manitoba Conservation, by Manitoba Hydro, what the process and duration of public review will be, and whether this transmission project will involve public hearings, with public participant funding. To date the Minister of Conservation has not provided a 'reference' to the Clean Environment Commission to hold hearings. Hearings would follow all stages of EIS review.

Manitoba Hydro will need to make sure that access to the Bi Pole III EIS materials is at the same standard used during the EIS review for the Wuskwatim transmission project. The range of stakeholders and affected communities means it is essential that Bi Pole III materials are available on paper, on DVDs, and posted on government and Hydro websites.

View Manitoba Hydro, "Bipole III" page
View May 27, 2011 Winnipeg Free Press article
View Manitoba Wildlands Manitoba Hydro Projects: Bipole III page
Source: Manitoba Wildlands, Manitoba Hydro
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