Manitoba Wildlands  
Bi Pole III Proceedings Stumbling Along 31 August 12

Manitoba Hydro logo and transmission lines Updates about the proceeding are being posted on Manitoba Wildlands so that interested and affected communities and organizations can follow the proceedings. The Bi Pole III proceedings now overlap between the Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch (EALB) of Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship and the Clean Environment Commission (CEC). CEC proceedings began in May 2012. EALB reviews began in late 2009, and continue during summer 2012 due to late EIS filings from Manitoba Hydro and delays in responses from the utility to formal information requests.

Recently participants filed motions to adjourn CEC proceedings until all EIS materials are received, reviewed, and able to be applied to the CEC proceedings. These motions were refused. With EIS materials still outstanding, including in response to formal requests from the Manitoba government licensing branch, the proposed hearings start in early October seems optimistic.

Manitoba has begun a multi year pattern of environment act proposals for hydro projects, with public reviews, assessments, and public hearings. These may be scheduled in relation to the assumed in service dates for Bipole III, Keeyask, and other dams, transmission projects, plus sale agreements for exports of hydro electricity.

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