Manitoba Wildlands  
Bipole III Route Changes EIS Filed 1 February 13

Manitoba Hydro provided 30 copies of the binder(s) and pen drives for this environmental impact statement on Monday January 28, 2013.

The review under the Environment Act is also open to the public. The primary respondents are likely to be participants in the Clean Environment Commission hearings regarding Bipole III. Those hearings were adjourned in late November so Manitoba Hydro could do the analysis and environmental studies needed to prepare the EIS for three route changes. Hearings are slated to resume early in March, 2013.

As of Friday February 1, 2013 participants in the hearings have not received copies of the EIS. Having paper and external electronic copies of the EIS is essential for analysis, comparison to other materials, and activity in the hearing room. This also means affected in in participants are relieved of steps and cost to download and print materials.

The December 2011 EIS Bipole III EIS was onerous and sometimes impossible to download. Manitoba Hydro made sure they provided copies, including to all affected communities. This is the first time participants can identify when Manitoba Hydro did not provide materials. The utility routinely provides paper filings and materials for those involved in Public Utilities Board hearings.

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014