Manitoba Wildlands  
B.C. Parks Open to Pipelines, Drilling 4 April 14

A discretely announced bill became an explosively controversial law, when the British Columbia government passed Bill 4, also known as the Park Amendment Act. Bill 4 will dramatically alter management of the provincial parks in British Columbia, allowing for industries, including energy extraction, construction of pipelines, and industry-led research, into these ecologically important protected areas.

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's Peter Wood addressed the insidious nature of the Bill, stating,

"There has been absolutely zero public consultation, and the pace at which this was pushed through suggests this was never a consideration."

Andrew Gage, staff lawyer at West Coast Environmental Law, addressed the damage that something as inconspicuous as "preliminary research" for industrial developments could entail. As an example, the controversial Taseko Prosperity Mine's "research" consisted of the drilling of 59 test pits, eight drill holes 50 to 75 meters in depth, 10 holes around 250 meters in depth, along with roughly 23.5 kilometers of trails and roads.

These activities being now legally allowed within 'protected' provincial park boundaries is something outraging BC residents.

As Stephanie Goodwin of Greenpeace stated,

"These changes are deeply unfair to the British Columbians who participated in the land use planning processes that established many of these parks. We call upon the BC government to cancel Bill 4 immediately and develop alternative legislation that will safeguard the integrity of our parks against industrial activity."

View March 30, 2014 The Globe and Mail article
View March 28, 2014 Vancity Buzz article
View March 28, 2014 article
View March 27, 2014 Huffington Post article
View March 25, 2014 DeSmog Canada article

Source: Vancity Buzz, DeSmog Canada, Huffington Post
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