Manitoba Wildlands  
When Will Manitoba Ban Fracking? 5 December 14

Nova Scotia has just passed a law that extends its moratorium on fracking. The bill, extends a moratorium on “high-volume hydraulic fracturing” in shale formations until the government can develop regulations and an onshore atlas of available natural gas resources.

The use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in which often-dangerous chemicals are mixed with large quantities of water (or other base fluid) and sand and injected into wells at extremely high pressure is an ever expanding problem. Unconventional development of oil and gas resources, using advanced fracking methods poses threats to water, air, land, and the health of communities.

US studies have shown dangerous levels of toxic air pollution near fracking sites; Oil and gas extraction have caused smog in rural areas at levels worse than downtown Los Angeles. Oil and gas production have been linked to increased risk of cancer and birth defects in neighbouring areas; as well as to increased seismic activity and earthquakes.

To get more oil and gas out of the ground the techniques being used crack and break up bedrock that also protects underground water sources such as acquifers and the rivers and lakes above ground. With so many rivers and lakes in Manitoba – can any government of Manitoba consider it sane to allow fracking when there is so much potential risk for such short term financial gain?

When will the Manitoba government show leadership and require environmental assessment before any hydraulic fracturing in Manitoba?

View December 5, 2014 The Guardian article
View November 28, 2014 article
View November 14, 2014 The Chronicle Herald article
View Clean Water Action Fracking: The Dangers page
View Carleton College Fracking information page

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014