Manitoba Wildlands  
Lake Winnipeg Hearings Schedule Released 19 December 14

Manitoba’s Clean Environment Commission (CEC) has posted its schedule for hearings to review the regulation of Lake Winnipeg by Manitoba Hydro in relation to generation of hydro electricity. The review and hearings include impacts from regulation of the lake, since the 1970’s. The mandate for the hearings is based on the Water Power Act interim licence, in place since the 1970s, with annual renewals.

Participants can register until end of January. Steps to apply for participant funding are outlined on the CEC website. The process to file formal written Information Requests for Manitoba Hydro is underway. There is no public registry for this review due to it not being held under the Environment Act.

Hearings in Winnipeg start March 9. In January and February the CEC will be holding hearings in several locations in Manitoba. They will also be visiting First Nations who have invited the CEC to hold a hearing in their community. Detailed schedule is posted on the CEC website.

Manitoba Wildlands is a participant in the Lake Winnipeg Regulation hearings, with similar activities and mandate as during the Wuskwatim, Bipole III, and Keeyask CEC hearings.

View Lake Winnipeg Hearings Schedule
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014