Manitoba Wildlands  
Safeguards For Scientific Work In Canada 12 March 16

In an open letter sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and federal Science Ministers Kirsty Duncan and Navdeep Bains, two leading groups in the fight to restore evidence-based public policy are calling for scientific integrity provisions. The provisions would include the right of federal scientists to speak publicly, to be added to collective bargaining agreements and formal science integrity policies at science-based departments.

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), which represents over 15,000 federal scientists, and Evidence for Democracy (E4D), which advocates for the transparent use of evidence in democratic decision making by government, have commended the government's early announcements lifting the muzzle placed on scientists by the previous Harper government.

They are calling on the Prime Minister and Science Ministers to take the next steps to put in place the policies and infrastructure needed to support science integrity today and to prevent future governments from muzzling scientists.

Science needs to be safeguarded from future attacks and new policies are needed to clarify the rules for government scientists, protect the integrity of their research and make it harder for future governments to muzzle scientists.

View March 9, 2016 DeSmog Canada article
View March 9, 2016 Market Wired article
View March 9, 2016 Ottawa Citizen article

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014